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Yahoo’s APT aims to aggregate the Web

Yahoo’s latest platform, APT from Yahoo, began rolling out with its first publishers — the San Francisco Chronicle and San Jose Mercury News — last week.

The new product is being pitched as a way for the publisher to aid advertisers in aggregating fragmented niche audiences across the Internet.

“One of the challenges that mar­keters face today is the incredible proliferation of Web sites that exist and the dispersion of the audience,” explained John Slade, VP of global project management for Yahoo.

The platform will allow cross-selling across an open network of publishers, advertisers, ad networks and agencies from a single integrated interface. APT from Yahoo is a single platform for connected digital advertising, including ad serving, ad network and ad exchange.

Last year Yahoo acquired Right Media, an exchange which allows Yahoo to sell ads via real time auction. APT from Yahoo will continue to be rolled out to advertisers, agencies, Yahoo’s inventory and Right Media cli­ents throughout the rest of this year and 2009.

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