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Let’s Talk About You: Building Relationships with Email Marketing

Too many email marketers focus on acquisition and volume as their measures of success: How many subscribers are in our database? Sending more email means we make more money, right? The real power of email marketing lies in its ability to build relationships with your existing customers through personalized connections. Learn how predictive intelligence and machine learning are providing marketers with a deeper understanding of their customers and transforming email campaigns into meaningful conversations — the stuff lasting relationships are made of.

After this webinar you will:

  • Understand the value of “How can I help you?” versus “What can I sell you?”
  • Know why machine learning is only as effective as the customer data you feed it
  • See why email personalization is critical to driving results that really matter

This webinar will include research taken from Epsilon’s Email Trends and Benchmarks Report and The Power of Me: The Impact of Personalization on Marketing Performance.

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