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The Five Most Common Digital Marketing Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

Tuesday, May 17
1:00 pm ET/10:00 am PT

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There are a lot of digital marketing & optimization mistakes that many businesses are still making. It could be that people got into some bad  habits over the years and have failed to leave those habits behind. Or it could be that someone came into marketing from another field and missed out on a few of the ground- floor basics. 

Join Linda West, Director of Digital Marketing at Act-On Software to explore the following 5 common mistakes and how to fix them:

1. Uncovering missed opportunities for testing & optimization

2. The curse of unrealistic expectations: setting goals and timelines

3. The danger of picking the most popular, not the best, channels for your campaigns

4. Debunking the myth of mobile: It’s not just for B2C

5. Avoiding the bad content boobytrap 


Linda West, Director of Digital Marketing, Act-On Software

Linda West supports overall lead generation goals with strategic planning, content creation, and analysis of campaign effectiveness at Act-On Software. Prior to joining Act-On, Linda worked at a New York based marketing agency, implementing digital programs for a variety of B2B and B2C clients across the globe. Linda has also worked for some of the world’s largest publishing companies, transitioning their traditional marketing programs to a cost-efficient online model. With extensive experience in traffic generation, lead nurturing, and lead scoring, Linda’s expertise is focused on content strategy and digital lead generation. Follow Linda on Twitter at @misslindawest.

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