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Summer books spotlight talented student creatives

Summer Spotlight
Summer Spotlight

The summer book season has spotlighted many talented students distinguished in various fields, such as book design, illustration, photography, hand-lettering, and other artistic disciplines.

Dedicated individuals from diverse backgrounds have impressed the public with their creativity and societal contributions, particularly through citizen design — a field that unites design and civic engagement.

Some of this season’s highlights include accomplishments from the School of Visual Arts. Recognized for the Best Book–Covers/Jackets category, the winning piece was a publication from the revolutionary feminist publisher Zubaan. Based out of New Delhi, Zubaan specializes in literary genres that amplify women’s voices.

The awarded piece effortlessly channeled Zubaan’s mission and purpose through a balance of creative expression and poignant feminist messaging. Zubaan has proved its worth yet again with this recognition, which stems from its dedication to telling every individual’s story.

Other notable entries in the competition included works such as “Speaking in Tongues” by Zadie Smith and “The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri, which explored societal themes such as communication, cultural identity, and cultural assimilation, respectively.

The top award in the Entire Package Design category went to an emotional piece, “Bento of Memories.”

Summer highlights of student creativity

This piece included four miniature books, each reflecting a different element—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The books were lauded for their inventive blend of literature, design, and depth of emotion.

“Dos Palmares,” a memorial book that amalgamates personal and community stories of the Brazilian Black Movement, took second place. Ancient Echoes, which weaves together indigenous tales with immersive storytelling, took third place.

These achievements underscore the significance of creativity and multidisciplinary learning in contemporary society, setting a high benchmark for aspiring students and future talent.

As the world of literature and visual arts progresses, these talented individuals have cemented their influential roles through their revolutionary work. Their stories once again remind us that everyone’s voice deserves to be heard and celebrated.

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