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Silverpop launches Social Pull, an online form builder for Facebook

Silverpop, the digital marketing technology provider, has released Social Pull, an app that helps marketers build online forms for Facebook Timeline pages, said Adam Steinberg, segment marketing director of social media for Silverpop.

The free app also allows marketers to develop a “like-gate” functionality on pages that allows users to retrieve content only after they “like” a page.

“Social Pull will enable users to create a landing page and a form to collect emails for newsletter sign-ups, and post to their Facebook pages,” said Steinberg.

The forms can have up to 10 fields, through which marketers can collect whatever type of information they’re interested in, including everything from email or postal address to favorite type of food. This will help marketers get to know their consumers better said Steinberg. Marketers can then follow up by sending consumers relevant information, such as newsletters, white papers or event invites, based on their stated preferences.

When asked how the app turns “likes” into revenue, as Silverpop claims, Steinberg compared the experience to attending a dinner or cocktail party.

“You attend a party to meet up with like-minded individuals … if you meet someone interesting, you get their business card and meet for coffee later,” Steinberg explained. “This experience is similar. If you want to hear more about a company’s products and services you sign up for their newsletter and start building a more personal relationship.”

The willingness of consumers to fill out forms before seeing a company page will depend on what the “ask” is. In other words, asking users for their name and email to sign up for a newsletter will have more conversions than asking for someone’s life history, he said.

The app is currently being offered for free to everyone, regardless of whether they are Silverpop customers or not.

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