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Pivotal Veracity launches e-mail reputation tool

E-mail deliverability service provider Pivotal Veracity launched a reputation tool called eReputation Manager last week. The service is designed to streamline and integrate the various components of managing a company’s digital reputation in order to improve e-mail marketing efforts.

The service, which is available at an extra cost to its customers, has already seen excellent response, according to Michelle Eichner, chief operating officer and VP of client services at Pivotal Veracity, Phoenix, AZ. She said that less than two days after informing its clients, a third of the businesses had already signed up for a tutorial information session on the product.

“Mailers don’t necessarily understand the framework or all the pieces involved in the increasingly complicated process of managing their reputation,” Eichner said. “With this service, we hope to help them help themselves.”

The tool encompasses a number of daily tasks for the e-mail marketer. It sets up a Global Whitelisting Portal, which lets mailers access, setup and manage whitelisting programs at dozens of Internet Service Providers, spam filters and third-party programs. In addition, the Blacklist and URL Blocklist Monitoring allows mailers to monitor private, paid, and public IP and domain-based blacklists, and to resolve adverse listings.

In addition, the Feedback Loop Management component signs mailers up to get spam complaint reporting from the leading ISPs. It also analyzes the spam complaints across internal and industry key performance indices.

“We want to empower our clients,” Eichner said. “This is about giving them a direct link to the ISPs and other third parties. We are not a middle man.”

For a broader view of e-mail reputation, the Real-Time Reputation Assessment takes a look at what Eichner calls a company’s digital reputation. It runs an audit of infrastructure, identity, and product and service quality across more than 24 independent reputation metrics.

“In our industry, we think in an e-mail environment – but we’re a small world now,” Eichner said.

She said since consumers are armed with the ability to research a company’s history before deciding to interact or purchase, the company itself must be aware of its digital impression at any given time. Similarly, the final component of the new service, the Individualized Reputation Compliance & Rating System, lets mailers score potential and existing business partners’ reputations.

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