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Mish Fletcher: 2015 Marketing Hall of Femme Honoree

As a yoga instructor, Mish Fletcher knows a lot about balance. And as the worldwide managing director, marketing for OgilvyOne Worldwide, Fletcher steers the agency’s messaging about balancing data and creativity to win in today’s marketplace. She also puts that balance into action. In 2014 she led the launch of the agency’s new global data offering OgilvyAMP.  That same year, under her guidance OgilvyOne Worldwide won more major creative and effectiveness awards than in any year prior.

Marketing strategy: It’s very much about putting clients at the center of your thinking and focusing on their needs. All too often we want to think about the services that we want to sell, not what clients want to buy. It’s about using the language that clients are using and then framing offerings around that.

Winning ways: We have a proprietary, strategic planning methodology. It’s called DAVE, which stands for Data-inspired, Always-on, Valuable Experiences. It’s also a cheeky homage to David Ogilvy. I actually applied DAVE to the agency itself. This enabled the creation of complete and personalized profiles of all of our clients…. We were able to segment our client base and then map the journey of the individual client persona so we could understand what it’s like to become a client of OgilvyOne. That then enabled me to make recommendations as to how we should realign resources so that we were creating the right platforms and undertaking the right sort of outreach, and to ensure that we were squarely centered on clients’ needs.

Defining moment: Recently, I was appointed to the OgilvyOne Worldwide board…. It’s an incredible feeling to be part of the leadership team that’s driving the agency forward first and foremost. The way in which it’s propelled me forward is that it’s given me a much broader perspective on our business and enabled me to better understand the role of the marketing function and how it can support the business and deliver value to the organization.

Trend watching: I’m fascinated with this trend of B2B transformation. I’ve been thinking of it as the humanization of B2B marketing…. You’re not talking to an office building; you’re talking to people. So, we need to ensure that our messages and the way in which we’re reaching out to our B2B clients are emotionally based, that we’re looking to make an emotional connection, and that we don’t get bogged down in business speak or too much jargon.

Words to live by: “Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” –Chinese proverb

Good read: The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

It takes a deep dive into understanding how women are wired differently and how to ensure that we’re able to understand the nature of confidence and acting in a confident way as much as possible. [The authors’] message is just pure women power, and I’ve really enjoyed it.

Good advice: Be authentic and always remain true to yourself and your own core values.

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