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Marketing for the Space Industry

space industry

The space industry is growing, and they need, just like any other industry, marketing, and public relations strategies to promote its products. Driving organic traffic is as much a concern in this industry as in any other industry. Aerospace companies need marketing plans to deliver the best results so that they are more visible to their target audience. Below includes time-tested strategies that this industry needs to generate leads.

Email marketing

The target audience would like to keep up with the latest news from the space industry. They would like to know about the space economy, or the latest rocket launch, and weekly newsletters can be immensely helpful in this respect. News on space startups and development in space science can be helpful too. Email marketing is a powerful way to increase brand awareness. The content of the emails should strike a balance between creativity and professionalism. Spam emails will never be popular.

Leverage social media platforms

Social media platforms can help a brand communicate with many people at any given time. For instance, NASA’s Instagram account has images of space captured by the Hubble telescope. The Instagram account of Lockheed Martin gives details on space exploration hardware. The Launch Company gives information on launching rockets.

Generate interest around the clock

Posting around the clock helps to generate interest. This is important for an industry like aerospace that is connected globally. Although followers tend to use social media during specific hours, posting content around the clock about new developments would keep them intrigued and help drive traffic. It may not be possible to hang around with posts and tweets all day, but research can be done on what works best. To get the timing right, the right tools should be used. For instance, Hootsuite can help with auto-scheduling.

Create blogs

Everybody knows that the space tech industry has the potential to transform the world. Launches are becoming cheaper and there are better safety records. As a result, the number of commercial space pioneers is growing. Space is closer to home now and for profits in that industry to skyrocket (pun intended), robust marketing strategies are needed. People are taking interest in the fact that space technology and satellite communications play significant roles in global security.

Remote sensing through satellites has also helped to bring about climate monitoring. Blogging about such happenings can be very useful as blogs can keep people informed about the latest developments. It is also a convenient form of content to share news stories and influence people’s understanding of space. The blog should be written in a specific manner with a particular kind of audience in mind, such as students or teachers.

Matt Caiola is Co-CEO of 5WPR, a leading PR agency.

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