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Identity Resolution And How To Use It With Consumers

Identity Resolution And How To Use It With Consumers

Do you ever feel like your identity is scattered in a million different places? Not knowing who’s seeing what or how best to communicate with them can be challenging. However, creating a unified view of each consumer’s identity is possible with the right technology and processes in place. This process is called Identity Resolution and enables effective omnichannel personalization through comprehensive data analysis that eliminates any gaps or redundancies. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various ways you can use Identity Resolution to better engage with consumers on all channels. By understanding its core principles, benefits, and applications, businesses can leverage advanced insights for marketing success!

Ways to Use Identity Resolution

1. Identity Resolution: Improve Targeting Accuracy

Identity Resolution helps marketers identify the right people for their ads and campaigns. By combining online and offline data sources, businesses can more accurately target customers with relevant messages. This way, they don’t waste money on unnecessary advertising or miss out on potential opportunities by not reaching the right people.

2. Enhance Audience Segmentation:

By accessing personally identifiable information (PII) data, businesses can properly target precise demographics that are most likely to purchase or engage with their product or services, leading to a higher rate of conversion. Additionally, they will be able to identify customers across devices within an omnichannel marketing ecosystem in order to use cross-platform CRM activities like loyalty programs and upselling opportunities. This all leads to improved customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, higher customer retention rates, and organic growth.

3. Create Accurate Personalization:

Identity Resolution enables marketers to offer personalized experiences that anticipate and address customer needs in real-time. By leveraging data points such as gender, age, location, purchase history, and interests, businesses can create tailored messages for each audience segment more quickly. This way, they can build deeper customer relationships through customized offers and communications.

4. Analyze Data & Make Smarter Decisions:

Using identity resolution can help decision-makers derive meaningful insights from the data and use it to make smarter decisions. It enables customer journeys and usage patterns analysis over different digital channels such as email, website, mobile apps, and social media. This helps identify audience segments with similar characteristics, delivering more targeted messaging that is accurately timed and relevant. In addition, identity resolution reveals insights about a user’s intent, enabling a better understanding of their choices and preferences. Through this knowledge, organizations are able to anticipate customers’ needs while improving their competitive edge in the market.

5. Strengthen Security:

Identity resolution also helps businesses protect their customers’ data by identifying and verifying each user’s identity. It allows them to detect fraudulent activities quickly, preventing unauthorized access and eliminating the risk of identity theft or cyber-attacks. This safeguards customers and boosts brand reputation by showing that a company takes data security seriously.

6. Optimize Advertising Spend:

Marketers can reduce advertising costs by targeting the right people with the right message at the right time. This ensures that ads are seen by customers who are likely to be interested in them, leading to a higher ROI and better conversions. Additionally, identity resolution enables marketers to track ad campaign performance and measure customer responses for improved optimization.

7. Comply With Regulatory Requirements:

With identity resolution, businesses can easily comply with data privacy regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA. Advanced analytics help them identify customers who have opted out of data collection or requested to delete their profiles, making it easier to meet compliance standards. This way, organizations are better equipped to adhere to industry rules and maintain their reputation.

8. Identity Resolution: Streamline Data Management

Identity resolution simplifies the process of managing and organizing customer data, making it easier to analyze and understand their behavior accurately. This helps marketers develop strategies for engaging customers with relevant content that resonates with them. Additionally, identity resolution takes the burden of manual data entry off businesses and automates the process of collecting, storing, and managing customer data. This eliminates human errors and accelerates marketing operations while saving time.

9. Increase Revenue:

By leveraging identity resolution, businesses can cultivate meaningful relationships with customers that lead to higher purchases through improved customer experience and targeted campaigns. This helps companies increase their revenue while enhancing customer loyalty and satisfaction.

10. Identity Resolution: Gain Better Insights

Identity resolution offers valuable customer insights that are essential for understanding their behavior and making better decisions. With these insights, businesses can personalize campaigns, target the right audience, optimize conversion rates, and measure performance more effectively. This helps them deliver a seamless experience across all digital channels and gain a competitive advantage in the market.


Identity resolution is a powerful tool that can help businesses better understand their consumers and improve their marketing efforts. By aggregating data from various sources and creating a unified view of each individual, businesses can deliver more personalized and relevant experiences to their customers. However, it is important to remember that consumers value their privacy, and businesses must be transparent about collecting and using their data. By prioritizing transparency and consumer trust, businesses can build strong, long-lasting relationships with their customers and drive success in the digital age.

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