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Getting to “Yes! Yes!”: Double opt-in as a power practice

As e-mail marketing matures, and quality triumphs over quantity, it is time to refocus on the permission and double opt-in processes. Most legitimate e-mail marketers place permission among the top best practices. Double opt-in, or double-confirmed opt-in, is the gold standard. When these processes are implemented, everyone wins.


Double opt-in does require some work and effort, but the challenges are easily overcome when it is included from the very beginning. Some primary benefits include:

  •  Fewer bogus subscribers, bad addresses, bounces, complaints and spam reports, resulting in a clean e-mail list with verifiable permission from every subscriber.
  •  More efficient e-mail list management and better deliverability.
  •  Better compliance with the best practices, in addition to exceeding the permission requirements of anti-spam legislation.
  • Increased subscriber response and engagement.

To implement a successful double opt-in practice, follow these simple rules:

Plan and test your double opt-in process
thoroughly. The same great e-mail industry advice that applies to e-mail marketing campaigns applies to your opt-in confirmation and welcome messages as well. It’s best to focus on deliverability, readability and attractiveness to entice subscribers, use an automated signup process to send the confirmation message immediately and customize any default messages, including the subject line, so your recipient can recognize your brand before opening the message. These are easy to test and adjust. With a bit of creativity, it can be fun and help you avoid the mechanical tone of automated messages.


Create synergy between your signup page and the subscribers’ e-mail. To make this transition smooth, use the signup confirmation page to inform your subscribers that a confirmation message will arrive in their inbox shortly. Remind them of the added security benefits.


Make a good first impression. The welcome message completes the successful subscription. Remember, this message gives you the perfect opportunity to thank them for subscribing. In addition, you could provide a specific message showing the benefits of your e-mail list.


Develop a lasting relationship. The double opt-in process makes your subscribers feel safe and secure when interacting with your brand. It’s a double “Yes!” for any long-term business relationship.




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