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GDPR is Now in Force – What Now?

On May 25th, 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation came into force. What does that mean to you?

If you are doing business in Europe and collect and process data on European data subjects, you must comply with this thorough new law.

If you are “late to the party” we will walk you through the basic steps. If you are already managing a GDPR program we will talk about what fines are likely and if we are lucky we may even have a few early fines to analyze. Our experience with these kinds of regulations is, the early fines tell us a lot of what the authorities are looking for.

Join Derek Lackey, CIPM, President of the Direct Marketing Association of Canada, as he distinguishes the important and immediate elements of GDPR with a practical approach to business risk management, based on your company and industry practices.

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