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GDPR: A Review of the Working Party Guidance documents

The language of the GDPR text is broad and sweeping, leaving lawyers with far more questions than answers for their clients. In an effort to clarify the key areas of GDPR, the EU’s Article 29 Working Party has issued guidance documents to help provide details and clarity. We strongly recommend paying attention to these official documents, rather than the opinions and narratives of many of the online “unsubstantiated” conversations.

We will summarize several of the guidance documents, and do a deep dive on consent to collect data, as there are many “myths” building regarding GDPR and consent.

The documents to date include:
• Administrative Fines
• Binding Corporate Rules
• Cookies
• Breach Reporting
• Consent
• Data Portability
• Data Protection Impact Assessment
• Data Protection Officers
• Lead Supervisory Authority
• Profiling
• Necessity Limitations

Join Derek Lackey, President of the Direct Marketing Association of Canada as he explains the importance of guidance documents and where you can find the official documents.

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