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Flight of the viral marketers

Turns out the duo behind HBO’s Flight of the Conchords isn’t quite as clueless about marketing themselves as their fictional counterparts let on.

The Conchords (New Zealand’s fourth most popular folk comedy duo) have launched an online contest, asking fans to video themselves lipsynching the duo’s “Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros.” Wannabe folk-gangster-rappers can then upload videos of their lipsynchs to the site, http://www.flightlipdub.com/. The winning “Fansterpieces” will air on HBO.

Buttons at the bottom of the contest page direct users to spread the word on Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Digg, Delicious, Twitter and via e-mail.

Submissions end January 25, so stop reading this blog and go practice your Kiwi-accented rapping.

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