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Boost Remote Work Productivity With Tech

boost remote work productivity
boost remote work productivity

The pandemic has changed the way we operate, and it’s likely to stay that way for a while. Remote work is anticipated to be a long-term trend. Therefore, it’s important to know how to boost remote work productivity.

According to recent research, only 7% of US employees were working from home frequently before the pandemic. However, that number has risen to 62% now! Even more intriguing is the fact that 59 percent of employees who work from home due to the pandemic would prefer to keep working from home. In addition, 54 percent would quit their jobs if they could find another job where they could work remotely.

How can you stay productive when working remotely in an unfamiliar environment with kids and family when it is all new to you? You can do it by embracing technology. Here are some ways to use technology to boost remote work productivity:

1. Recover Lost Time With Anti-Distraction Apps

Unbeknownst to you, social media can be eating into your workday. Some sources claim workers waste up to two hours every day on social media distractions. While it’s hard to regain all time lost to internet diversions, anti-distraction software can help you regain a lot of it. There are several of these apps available and most of them are free for any device. Self-Control, StayFocused, and Freedom are three good anti-distraction apps.

Once you’ve chosen an app, establish a time limit for how long you can spend on various sites during work hours. After that, the app prevents access once you reach that time limit.

2. Use AI and Chatbots to Improve Workflow and Mood

Many people associate “chatbots” with the Facebook Messenger bot or other customer service chatbots. However, chatbots can do much more than just help you acquire and communicate with customers.

For example, there are chatbots that can help you improve your mood and relax. For instance, Woebot or MeditateBot are therapeutic chatbots that monitor and help improve your mood. These bots can help new remote workers. They can be a great aid to those who aren’t familiar with the emotional health issues that come with working remotely.

3. Use the Pomodoro Technique to Boost Productivity

Our brains aren’t built to operate for long periods of time without a break, according to research. Therefore, regular work breaks, including brief walks if possible, can help you re-energize your brain and increase your focus. This, in turn, can make you more productive.

The Pomodoro Technique was created by Francesco Cirillo in the early 1990s to encourage frequent brief rests between jobs. Of course, depending on your job and personal preferences, you can extend your work-to-break ratio to meet your needs. Using a Pomodoro app can helo you use this strategy. However, it also helps you become more aware of your time limits.

4. Back Up All Work Data to the Cloud for Increased Efficiency

Use cloud-based tools when working remotely. Google Docs or other similar technology is a must for all remote work. This assures not only physical security but also increased productivity and efficiency:

You can access your papers from any device, without having to log in to the original device. Without manually uploading and sending documents back and forth (especially when updating), you can effortlessly work on the same document with others. Furthermore, you can’t lose your work if your device is lost, stolen, or broken.

5. Block All Work Notifications After Work to Avoid Burnout

Separating after-work hours from work hours can be difficult for remote workers. In addition, it can quickly spiral out of control. It’s easy to get distracted by work-related messages and activities after work. This, in turn, can deplete your energy and eventually exhaust you.

It’s true that you may find yourself engaging in non-work activities during work time. This is especially true if you do not explicitly define and adhere to your working and non-working hours.

Therefore, you can use apps like Daywise to regulate when you get notifications about work. That way you don’t get them while you’re not working. This can help you focus during work and relax during the rest of the time. This division is vital to your sense of well-being.  However, it’s also important to your ultimate success.

Therefore, if you want to boost remote work productivity, make sure you have a carefully drawn line between work and home time. This will help you keep a good balance between the two so that you can be effective at both.

Image Credit: Cottonbro; Pexels; Thank you!

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