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Automakers employ XR technology for efficient designs

"XR Automakers"
“XR Automakers”

Notable car manufacturers, including Ford, Volvo, and Rivian, are integrating Extended Reality (XR) technology into their design blueprints to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This innovative approach allows them to construct immersive, detailed virtual models, bypassing potential design errors and discrepancies.

XR provides a realistic automotive design experience, accelerating decisions and enhancing product quality. It heavily contributes to maximizing resource use, minimizing waste, and fostering environmental sustainability while offering substantial cost savings.

Ford has introduced mixed reality into their design system for over a year, promoting teamwork and enabling early design adjustments. This fosters a universal design language, creating a cohesive understanding across all sectors of the Ford design team.

Through XR, Rivian – a US electric vehicle manufacturer, minimized physical material usage, leading to substantial savings and increasing design iteration cycles. Additionally, this approach has resulted in a positive environmental impact.

Utilizing XR in automotive design efficiency

The detailed analysis and optimization potentially result in a superior, more refined final product.

Long-time XR advocate Volvo has used Varjo headsets in their design processes since 2019. Volvo uses these advanced XR solutions to facilitate collaboration between teams, regardless of their location. These headsets have been vital in Volvo’s design and development projects.

The Finnish XR headset company Varjo is considerably impacting the automotive industry with its professional-grade hardware. Notably, Varjo is currently developing new hardware, the Varjo XR-4, which is expected to supersede regular XR headsets.

The integration of XR in automotive design indicates the beginning of a new era in the auto industry. As the technology evolves, more manufacturers anticipate incorporating XR into their design processes, leading to enhanced productivity, innovative designs, and tailored solutions.

This adoption is set to revolutionize the auto industry, helping manufacturers create virtual prototypes, and improve the overall product quality. It also provides an immersive user experience, helping consumers get a realistic feel of the product before purchasing.

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