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How to Do Superfast SEO


Do you want to rank high on Google? This article will discuss how to do superfast SEO to rank more quickly for relevant keywords. However, the items are not what you think. Black hat SEO techniques will worsen your page ranking.

7 Tips for How to Do Superfast SEO

1. Set up a Google My Business profile

Set this up and get all of your business details uploaded. Google My Business will enable you to appear in local search results specific to the area you’re operating in. Even broad searches with large volumes are now showing local results which is something business owners can capitalize upon.

2. Make your site mobile friendly with Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP)

 AMP generates a mobile version of your site and will increase your SERP in mobile browser. Approximately 80% of internet traffic comes from mobile, so make sure your site is built on a flex template and optimized with AMP.

3. Understand your online audience

Obviously as marketers, this goes without saying. But, who is your typical customer? What are they looking for and how do they spend their time online? What kind of content do they like to consume? When you understand your audience, you will know what you need to do online to grab their attention.

4. Optimize your homepage meta description

This is just plain best practice. Get those top terms into a description that isn’t too gimmicky or spammy, and is a clear indicator of what your website is about. The rule of thumb here is to get your most important keywords into your homepage title and meta description. 

5. Research keywords and competitors

Keyword research is essential to understanding your site’s SEO and your competitors’, but luckily, you do not have to be an SEO guru to know which keywords to use. Use free tools like SEM Rush to research your current and potential keywords related products and services, your audience’s topics of interest or other aspects of SEO. 

6. Make your site load faster

A study shows that most of the visitors wait under 7 seconds for a page to load. If your page doesn’t load before that time you risk losing traffic. If you’re running on an open source CMS , deleting any unnecessary plugins will help speed things up!

Your external links are a big factor in whether your page ranks on the first page of Google. Pages that are linked the most by outside sites are likely to be viewed by search engines as the most relevant and important. It’s not enough to get the most links to your site. Your site should also earn the links of sites that are respected and have high authority in their field or niche.

Related Post: A Guide to SEO at Any Age

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