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2024’s Game-Changing Customer Experience Speakers: Top 5 Picks

Customer Experience Speakers Brittany Hodak cx

If you want to truly engage and maintain a loyal customer base, focusing on the customer experience (CX) is crucial. Many companies aim to provide this essential human element to their repertoire, but often, customers do not recognize such efforts because there is a disconnect in their efforts. So how can business leaders deliver a positive experience to every customer, and how can experience disconnect be eliminated to improve customer satisfaction?

According to the PwC Foundation, the number one challenge for businesses today is the desire to integrate technology without losing the human element of an experience and “without creating frustrations for customers while empowering employees.” While today’s technologies can meet core consumer demands – including speed, convenience, knowledge, and friendliness – and allow employees to deliver heightened satisfaction, a positive customer experience is more about balancing automated experiences with real experiences.

To help your business find the ultimate CX sweet spot, this list highlights some of the top leaders in the Customer Experience space that are capturing audiences’ attention nationwide. From riveting anecdotes to actionable insights, these speakers are transforming the CX landscape as we know it today. Listen closely as these thought leaders unveil strategies to redefine engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction for your most valued company assets.


brittany hodak cxBrittany Hodak

Speaking at over 60 events in 2023, Brittany Hodak has helped tens of thousands of people turn more of their customers into superfans. Featured in multiple top publications, Brittany has the street cred to help any company completely turn the tables when it comes to CX. Brittany has spent the last 15 years helping top names like Walmart, Dolly Parton, Katy Perry, and Disney hone their CX strategy to create a loyal customer base. In her new best-selling book “Creating Superfans,” Brittany uses her deep understanding of business and her past experience in the entertainment industry to guide business leaders toward a people-first CX vision for their company.

Brittany believes that customer experience should be a fun and engaging part of every business. She brings tools to companies in a variety of sectors to create loyal, enthusiastic customer advocates. Brittany’s framework brings value to both new and established companies: communicating your brand story, learning your customer’s story, personalizing your customer’s experience, exceeding customer expectations, and repeating the cycle for lasting success. If you are looking to fire up your workforce and inspire change, Brittany Hodak’s research, interactivity, and humor will be sure to make a lasting impression at your next company event.


jim donald cxJim Donald

Known to certain circles as the “Turnaround King” and “the vagabond CEO,” Jim Donald helps struggling companies maximize their success by taking a closer look at leadership in the 21st century. The Co-Chairman of Albertsons and Former CEO of Starbucks has distinguished himself in the retail and supermarket industries as a hands-on leader who is able to transform financially troubled companies into multi-million-dollar successes.

During his tenure with Starbucks, Jim took his leadership and management experience to drive record-breaking performance and growth for the company. With an ability to work at all levels of an organization, he strengthened Starbucks’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and focused wholly on the customer experience. Now, as a keynote speaker, Jim speaks about how he has repeatedly heightened the human connection between customers and employees to deliver equally promising results.


Adam Toporek cxAdam Toporek

Adam Toporek is a third-generational entrepreneur and a globally recognized customer experience strategist with a background in small business management, retail, wholesale, and franchising. As the founder of CTS Service Solutions, Adam has a strong understanding of what makes customers stick with any business and provides insights to organizations on how to build real-world, customer-centric solutions.

He believes that the key to delivering a positive customer experience is all about the evolution of the customer service journey, but not necessarily with a strong focus on technology. Instead, businesses should consider how psychology and emotion impact the customer service world, whether it is building customer relationships or training customer service teams.


Steven van belleghem cxSteven Van Belleghem

As an expert in customer-centricity and a thought leader in transforming customer relationships, Steven Van Belleghem is known for his ability to engage and inspire companies to improve customer experiences. His approach is about addressing common customer experience issues to produce long-term results, whether through pure human connection, the use of modern technologies, or social responsibility. The popular keynote speaker looks to push the boundaries of traditional customer experiences and help businesses develop modern customer relationships. Like other experts in the field, Steven aims to balance human and digital connectivity to create customer experiences that are memorable, engaging, and profitable all around.


nick friedman cxNick Friedman

Alongside business partner Omar Soliman, Nick Friedman is the co-founder of College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving and is the co-author of several books on the subject of entrepreneurship and business. As a world-class keynote speaker and TV personality, Nick focuses his presentations on the lessons he learned while building his multi-million-dollar nationwide franchise.

When it comes to customer experience, Nick uses his expertise to teach leaders how to hire and train a customer-focused team, the most successful service-recovery process when working with unsatisfied customers, how to drive exceptional customer experiences, and more. He also encourages business leaders and employees to stay attuned to current marketing trends to keep customers engaged and continuously drive positive customer experiences.

Inspire Your Team With These CX Speakers 

Whether you are looking to modernize your company’s take on customer experience or have an upcoming event that needs a new take on customer service, these top keynote speakers and many others can help educate and inspire teams. Speakers like these are turning the customer experience around by looking beyond technology and instead focusing on what new ideas can impact the CX space more effectively and profitably. Book the next top CX speaker in 2024 to drive customer loyalty and customer satisfaction for your business.


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