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2015 Essential Guide to Omnichannel Marketing

Direct Marketing News is proud to present the 2015 Essential Guide to Omnichannel Marketing, our comprehensive supplement packed with tips to help you kick your omnichannel marketing strategy into high gear. 

Marketer as Mind Reader

In this day and age, marketers have to be mediums.

The Lexicon of Omnichannel Marketing
It’s time to clear the air. Here’s what separates cross-channel, integrated, multichannel, and omnichannel as marketing concepts.

The Omnichannel Data Opportunity
Today’s jumbled customer journey leaves a trail of data that marketers can use to inform their strategies across all channels.

Rethinking Marketing’s Org Chart in an Omnichannel World
A traditional approach to marketing staffing may no longer be logical or practical.

The Linchpin Channel Of the Omnichannel Marketing Future
Is there one channel that can help ensure the success of an omnichannel approach to marketing? Twelve experts sound off.

Marketers Aren’t Monkeying Around With Data Sharing
But privacy and security concerns can make them go bananas.

Looking for the complete PDF? Find it here.


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