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2015 Essential Guide to Direct Mail Marketing

Direct Marketing News is proud to present the 2015 Essential Guide to Direct Mail Marketing, our comprehensive supplement packed with tips to help you kick your direct mail marketing strategy into high gear.

Editor’s Note: My 49 Cents on Direct Mail
Direct mail spending grew 2.7% in 2014; Winterberry Group’s prediction was for 1.1% growth.

Hot List: 6 Reasons to Invest in Direct Mail
Direct mail still works. Here’s why.

Dimensions: Direct Mail Adds Dimension to Marketing
How three companies are using direct mail marketing to deliver—sales, that is.

Digital: Direct Mail Goes Digital
Five tech trends underlying direct mail marketing success today.

Trends: The Truth About Direct Mail
10 direct mail marketing leaders each share a myth about why some marketers think direct mail is on the verge of extinction and the reality about why it’s actually experiencing a slight resurgence.

Parting Shot: Marketing Spending: Where the Money Will Go in 2015
Five predictions for direct mail for 2015.

Looking for the complete PDF? Find it here.


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